Write For Us

Hey there! 🌟
We’re on the lookout for awesome new writers, and guess what? That could be you! If you’ve got a cool idea that’ll make our readers think and bring a fresh vibe to our world, we’re all ears. No need to stress about inventing the next big thing in TechPcHuB web design – just share your unique take on a topic that’s keeping you awake at night.

Let’s keep it real, though: writing for ALA is no walk in the park. We want your article to shine, and we’ll nudge you to make it happen. Once you’re in, our team will shower you with feedback, and you’ll team up with an editor to finesse your work.

But hey, it’s not all sweat and tears – it’s rewarding too! Thousands of your buddies (and potential bosses, clients, or publishers) will check out your masterpiece, and you’ll soak in a ton of wisdom along the way – about expressing your thoughts, writing like a champ, and even diving deeper into the topic you thought you had down pat.

What tickles our fancy: Feel free to toss in a rough draft, a snippet of your masterpiece, or a quick pitch (a couple of lines summing up your point and why it’s a big deal for our readers) along with an outline. The more polished your submission, the better we can help you shine. Just remember, we only roll with original content – no recycled stuff (even from your blog).

Save the press releases and sales pitches for another day. They just make us sad.

Before you hit us up, take a peek at our style guide and recent articles. It’ll give you the lowdown on how to structure and jazz up your piece. And make sure your submission:

🎯 Packs a punch with a clear argument, not just a list of tips. πŸ—£οΈ Has a voice – be bold, be interesting, be human. πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Target designers, developers, content strategists, info architects, or the cool cats in a similar league. πŸ“š Backs up claims with solid arguments, not just opinions. Fact-check and drop sources when needed. πŸ“˜ Follow our style guide.

For some genius insights on the writing game, check out “Writing is Thinking”. And don’t forget to peep at “So You Want to Write an Article?” – it spills the beans on common pitfalls to dodge.

What floats our boat: We dish out articles ranging from 600 to 2,500 words, depending on how deep the rabbit hole goes. The sweet spot is around 1,500 words. Oh, and did we mention we love custom illustrations? Whether you’re serving up breezy tutorials or diving deep into the nitty-gritty, make it a thoughtful journey into the latest and greatest in the web world.

How to drop your wisdom (and what comes next): Shoot us an email with your masterpiece. Google Docs are our jam – it make feedback a breeze. If that’s not your vibe, toss us a plain text file, a Markdown file, or a link to an HTML doc. (Zip files are a no-go unless we ask for ’em.)

Here’s the lowdown after you hit that send button:

  1. An editor will give your submission the once-over and see if it’s a potential match. If it is, the whole team will give it the once-over once a week.
  2. The editor will gather the team’s thoughts and hit you up with some notes. We might not snatch it up on the first try, but we’ll spill the beans if we’re keen.
  3. Once you’ve tackled our feedback, ping us the revamped version. We’ll powwow again and let you in on the grand decision.
  4. If your article gets the green light, an editor will be your partner in crime for nailing down the organization, argument, and style.
  5. We’ll set you up for the spotlight as soon as the tweaks are done. We can’t drop a publication date until it’s almost showtime.

Oh, and let’s keep it in English, favor! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Ready to rock our world? Hit us up! πŸš€.